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Three Musketeers Character Study

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“A man must keep his own counsel and not betray his own heart.”

Athos liked every one to exercise his own free-will. He never gave his advice before it was demanded and even then it must be demanded twice. “In general, people only ask for advice,” he said “that they may not follow it or if they should follow it that they may have somebody to blame for having given it”.


✦ “Athos was a nobleman, his manners were noble, his countenance was noble. He carried his head like a man accustomed to command; his eye, accustomed to see other eyes lowered before his glance, was mild and powerful as that of a lion. His hands, which were remarkably beautiful, indicated that Athos was no stranger to the exercise of the sword, and might at a first glance pass for those of a woman, but in attacking or defending a cause his strong wrist showed what strength and vigor could give to his arms. Athos was a young man of about thirty-six or thirty-seven years old; tall, well proportioned, with a decided yet tender eye, a pale face, and the blackest of mustaches.”


“I believe in enjoying life while you can; after all, we are only mortal.”

“Porthos was a good-hearted giant, whose soul was as broad as his shoulders. He had the art of exaggerating everything, even his virtues. His vanity, though naïve, was boundless, and he was never happier than when surrounded by the éclat of his own supposed magnificence.”


✦ “Porthos was a man of great stature; he was more than six feet high, wide-shouldered, with enormous biceps, and a powerful chest, which was covered with a thick layer of hair. His head, large and handsome, was covered with long, curly hair, which he wore powdered. His nose was large, and his mouth splendidly furnished with teeth which he showed on every occasion. His voice was loud and sonorous, and his whole bearing one of proud self-confidence.”


“A gentleman’s word is his bond, and I make it a point to keep mine.”

“Aramis possessed the rare art of saying a great deal in a few words, of casting a sudden light on an obscure point by a single word, a single look, a single gesture. He was one of those men who deceive by their very openness; who are thought to be weak because they are always good-humored, who pass for timid because they are polite, and who, by never showing their true strength, make people forget that they possess it.”


✦ “Aramis was a handsome young man, of about twenty-three or twenty-four years, with a mild and soft expression, delicate features, and a slight figure. His black hair, long and curling, fell with much grace around his shoulders. He had the fair, pink-and-white complexion, lips of a woman, and small black mustaches and beard. Aramis was fond of brilliant, noble, and elegant clothing, but he showed himself more simple and austere in manner than in appearance.”


“My courage is always my ally, even when my wisdom is not.”

“D’Artagnan was a Gascon, and, like all Gascons, he had the instinct of adventure and the pride of his province. He feared neither man nor devil, and he would rush headlong into danger with the same confidence with which he would offer his arm to a lady. He had a boldness that bordered on recklessness, but it was tempered by a shrewdness that always brought him through.”


✦ “D’Artagnan was a young man—scarcely twenty years old—of a noble, proud, and handsome countenance, with a slightly longer nose than suited the strict rules of beauty. His intelligent and lively eye indicated a quick and ready wit. His slender, yet well-knit figure, told of remarkable agility rather than great strength. His complexion was clear and fresh, his hair brown, and he wore his mustache as young men of the day were wont to do.”